The Rootz children's balance bike is produced with high quality materials and is designed to be a great addition to your life.
Are you looking for a children's balance bike made of PP and that looks stylish? Then you are in the right place.Detachable exercise wheels and pedals enable children to learn to walk, train muscles and maintain balance.
This balance bike is designed for children between 2 and 5 years old.
. With the adjustable seat and child-friendly frame, your children can easily get in and out and benefit from a comfortable and smooth ride.
Offer your kids this great and well-designed balance bike and you won't be disappointed with your choice.
Information about this product:
Colour: Red
Material: Pp, Metal, Eva
Size: 33.46 x 14.17 x 21.25 cm
Weight: 4 kg
War: 2 years
What's included:
1x Rootz Children's Bicycle - Red - Pp, Metal, Eva - 33.46 x 14.17 x 21.25 cm
1x Assembly instructions
1x Assembly accessories
All benefits at a glance:
2 training wheels for balance and 2 pedals for muscle training
Adjustable seat height: 33-38 cm
EVA tires with non-slip surface ensure a smooth ride
Handles are for a comfortable ride with soft covers
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